News & True RV Stories
Published December 07, 2009
Category: Family
It's December and many customers always ask, what does Damon do in December? Well we are still selling motor homes of course, just not as many. The RV selling season works great for my family as this year we are retailing Christmas Trees on our farm. We planted these back in 2003, about 10,000 of them, and this is the first year we can sell them. I have to say so far it's going much better than expected; everyone is having a fantastic time through half time. We have Douglass, Grand, Noble, and Nordman Firs- some as high as 11' tall. This year the Grand's look amazing, deep green color, strong smell, and filled out perfect. My family and I do it all together; we have met a lot of new friends and neighbors, and offered a few rides down along the Mohawk and McKenzie rivers, hot chocolate, and handed out a few boxes of candy canes. So when I am not selling motor homes, feeding cows, or growing hay I am taking care of or selling Christmas trees... Have a great holiday season, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Rapozo Family
89060 Old Mohawk Road
Oregon Farm For Sale